Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama, McCain, and the Hegalian Dialectic.

I am trying to point out is that Democracy itself is essentially the Hegalian dialectic in action, every time around. Yes a black President is nice and progressive, and yes Mccain is ugly, but what of the synthesis? This is a very old technique. The history of government is the most interesting history there is.

Obama is an (admittedly truly charismatic) 'rock star,' as the media so calculatingly puts it, but it's eclipsed by the fact that this man is a usher of the globalist machine. That is, those in power who have published, with no shame, and into redundancy, the plan. The conspiracy is that there really isn't one. PNAC, even Obama's main adviser Brezinkski... they've stated it plainly, it's just that it lies above the umbrella of alphabet media.

The march there is the dialectic. Dumb President, Smart one. Economic growth, recession. Until people understand the power of the polarity there can be little hope to realize in mass this stopped being about individual countries long ago. As I said: this is an old trick. It was always East, West; North, south.

At the end of this square dancing around semantic drivel we call the US election process, we find ourselves with two candidates who, when questioned, have stuck -unequivocally- to the imperialistic expansion plan that is the CFR. So why the hype around Obama? Tell me, but think carefully first.