Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The World from a Bread Factory.

I used to work at a bread factory, and then when I was home for xmas I worked some shifts there again.

The union warehouse workers are all the nicest guys. They have more fun than I ever could, and I am envious of their smiles. We talk about work things, for that is the common language -- and there are always complaints. The way these guys get jerked around is indicative of everything, really. It's all there. The fiat banking dictated hierarchy and the unseen hand. And the the ever-churning mixer of luck: the management can't really say anything to me cause I'll just walk out. I need that job like I need an erection problem, but it could have easily been different -- who knows where I will end up when I am old. The mixer churns: the Canada Bread guys need their job, and they take a lot of crap. I wish they would win the lottery or something. I've wished for that a couple times now. I know money won't solve my problem, cause the problem is money: why should some get it and others not?

The majority of the guys there are Asian of some type. One guy is Japanese, another is Korean, and most are Chinese. In this language sense, it's an immersion into a world I'm not as familiar with; it's another world, away from mine: everything else. They've all been there for like 30+ years and for the most part, they're kind of too old to be doing the types of things we are. One guy is pushing seventy, I think. I, being young (and I guess a bit taller) could lap some of them if I wanted to. Simple luck that it should be this way. My point? We should be able to care for the elderly, and not slave away with them like peons pulling the Pharoh's bricks. It's a soul-foul, plain and simple. We'll see it on the replay in the afterlife.

The global community has already been long established. Technology has already been long established. So why are things not getting better? Why, instead of a Utopia, does it look like we're heading into a hellish green prison? Why is it these conditions in the west are actually among the best? Where else but Satan's backyard can the young and old slave together and have that be the apex of societal advancement? And did he not mention? -- it's not even a Bread Factory anymore, it's a Distribution Warehouse. Once proud bakers from a different age now wear back braces so they can stack the (surprisingly heavy) trays of bread sixteen high. Freedom is not being able to move in chains. It's just not. It is a quiet warehouse now; the flower of the heart wilts under those stale lights.

But then, these guys go home to their loving wives. They are loved, and that is what allows us to exist, stubbornly holding our candles into the blowing darkness. Without it we are lost and the darkness consumes.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama, McCain, and the Hegalian Dialectic.

I am trying to point out is that Democracy itself is essentially the Hegalian dialectic in action, every time around. Yes a black President is nice and progressive, and yes Mccain is ugly, but what of the synthesis? This is a very old technique. The history of government is the most interesting history there is.

Obama is an (admittedly truly charismatic) 'rock star,' as the media so calculatingly puts it, but it's eclipsed by the fact that this man is a usher of the globalist machine. That is, those in power who have published, with no shame, and into redundancy, the plan. The conspiracy is that there really isn't one. PNAC, even Obama's main adviser Brezinkski... they've stated it plainly, it's just that it lies above the umbrella of alphabet media.

The march there is the dialectic. Dumb President, Smart one. Economic growth, recession. Until people understand the power of the polarity there can be little hope to realize in mass this stopped being about individual countries long ago. As I said: this is an old trick. It was always East, West; North, south.

At the end of this square dancing around semantic drivel we call the US election process, we find ourselves with two candidates who, when questioned, have stuck -unequivocally- to the imperialistic expansion plan that is the CFR. So why the hype around Obama? Tell me, but think carefully first.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fleeing Reality

So I thought I'd do a blog on World of Warcraft. Everyone seems to do it. Why? Well, I think it's because they find it so easy to make fun of. Indeed, you don't see too much on the internet pertaining to, in particular, why it is WoW or other similar games, are so appealing. I guess most of this fun takes place in the game, in a sort of self-apparent way; outside of the game you find those who are threatened by it. You can count the blog posts into the higher order of 'easy punching bag' as a quantification of originality. Yes it would seem that, for some reason or another, the internet is just like any typical Western High School -- one where the cool kids make fun of the nerds, while the nerds simply shrug, to go on playing their games.

So what is going on here? Which side is playing games, if any?

Well, all I can do is tell you my story. I am a nerd at heart, but I was blessed with other social conventions which allowed/drove me over different social borders, to the 'real world' insomuch as such a thing exists for me. That is, I feel I got the unique advantage of being able to fit into a several different contexts where escape into fantasy, and arbitrary rules undercut with an almost religious sense of knowledge and efficiency, were not exactly 'cool' or whatever term you want to use. To put it simply, the type of immersion one gets from say, dressing up as a Night Elf for role playing, in some contexts, might as well be an immersion into this actual world we all inhabit.

The nerd side of the argument is an intellectual one, and therein lies it's strength. So while I was university athlete, and blessed with a rather symmetrical, healthy body, I still view the world as one where your physical looks, and other such blessings such as social intelligence, largely determine the extent to which you are aided above and beyond reasoning as a functional capacity. So for example, there is the classic 'Verbal Bully' vs 'Smart Kid' argument. What most people don't realize is that many bullies (all the ones I've ever met at least) may not be that smart in one sense, but when it comes to psychological profiling, and audience manipulation, and just sheer quickness of thought, these guys are the masters. I've seen them make teachers laugh, consistently, when the teacher knows consciously that it's wrong given the context, and his or her role as an authority figure. Humor is a powerful, overriding force -- and that's just the relatively harmless part of the ego.

So the nerd would say look: I was born into a body lottery, and quite frankly, kind of got a shitty deal. I'm smart enough that my social archetype literally created, from 1's and fucking 0's, the entire basis for which modern information and communication itself now rests, and I have to listen to this drunk guy in front of me struggle to remember his Dane Cook joke? I have to watch that attractive, intelligent woman in the same bar let their biological urges get the better of themselves? I have to teach the offspring of these two (who later get divorced) because all the good IT jobs have gone to secret ridiculousness instead of the public good?

And once he's said all of this, he says 'No... fuck no. I'll just create my own, better world' -- and so he did. I mean, do you know why elves, and dragons, and the infinite fascination with magic exists? Because somewhere along the lines, someone thought it would be cooler if they did. Or, likewise, that it would be interesting to try out a world where everyone is hot, and draped in endlessly artistic clothing, and get all the same chances for some conception of success and achievement as everyone else. I applaud that person. The point here is that when someone tells you 'You're fleeing reality' they are ushering something dangerously self-defeating, something quite morbid indeed. These people, the ones involved in a WoW self-help group who have never played the game; who lecture people, probably without ever having picked up a philosophy book, on the virtues of 'real life' and 'human interaction;' the people for whom someone else's fantasy, no matter how fanatical, troubles them to the core of their own insecure being; the people who drape our world in dogmatic, short-sighted, vacuous praise without ever mentioning nature; the people who genuinely like our world for, ironically enough, petty, made in China reasons that more than encompass the computer. For these are the people, so run by their own egos to think of suspending it momentarily as absurd, who are the truly deluded.